Canadian National Institute for the Blind
Vision Mate Volunteers



Date(s) - Jan 1, 2017 - Dec 31, 2025
All Day


What is the Vision Mate Program?

Vision Mate Volunteers provide one on one sighted assistance and companionship for a person who is blind or partially sighted. Approved activities include reading, organizing, walking, assisting with errands/outings, and social visiting. Vision mates usually visit a client for two hours a week in the client’s home or other suitable environments, at a mutually convenient time.

Vision mates must be able to meet the specific needs of people who are blind or partially sighted and will receive the proper training required on the impact of vision loss, communication and interaction with people who are blind or partially sighted and for sighted guide techniques.

If you are interested in volunteering, enjoying spending time with others and are looking for a rewarding experience with immediate impact then the Vision Mate program is right for you!

Must be 18 years +
Please fill and ensure to submit the form below “Click to Volunteer”.


Volunteer Opportunities