Volunteer Tutor

Frontier College
As a Frontier College volunteer you can look forward to assisting a child, youth or adult with increasing their skills through reading, writing and fun literacy/numeracy activities.



Date(s) - Aug 15, 2017 - Dec 31, 2025
All Day


Frontier CollegeFrontier-College

Frontier College is a national literacy organization. We strive to provide educational support for all Canadians. We are currently looking for adult (ages 18+) volunteers for online and in-person tutoring and academic  programming in Thunder Bay.

Frontier College relies on volunteers for success in everything we do. Each year, our volunteers donate more than 50,000 hours to tutoring math, reading, and writing; reading stories; helping with special events; and working for the Frontier College Book Donation Program.

No teaching experience? No problem! Our volunteers come from many different backgrounds and experiences.

All of our programs support people throughout Canada as they build literacy skills, which can improve their health, employment opportunities, and social engagement. Most people who love to read had a parent, teacher, or caregiver who took the time to read with them. As a volunteer with Frontier College, you can spread your love of reading and learning to others.

Volunteers can also engage in various Community Events such as book drives, reading circles, parent and tot programs and more.

We host programs for children and youth in most regions, including reading circles, homework clubs, and classroom support. These programs often – but not always – take place in libraries, schools, community centres, and other community-based locations.

Currently we have the following programs available for Volunteer Tutors:

  1. IN-PERSON: a. Afterschool Literacy & Numeracy with Boys & Girls Club – Tuesdays 4-5 pm, and b. Small group tutoring Saturdays – Thunder Games and Gifts
  2. ONLINE: a. Kidz Reading Club – Tuesdays 6:15 – 7:15 pm, b. Small Group Tutoring – Wednesdays 30 min timeslots, and c. Math Clubs – Thursdays 6:15 – 7:15 pm


Volunteers must be 18+ years of age.

Please fill and submit the form below; “Click to Volunteer”.

You can also visit their website: https://www.frontiercollege.ca/Get-Involved/Volunteer/Volunteer-Inquiry-Form
For more information check our Frontier College’s YouTube video: VIDEO

Volunteer Opportunities

Ticket Type Spaces
Standard Task
Standard Task